Week Three: Childhood


December 11th, 2022

10 mins 43 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In Come Lord Jesus: Meditations on the Art of Waiting, Mother Mary Francis, PCC, writes:
“The human heart is always filled with some kind of wonder. It is one of the first signs of the growing awareness of a small child. Who has not smiled to see a little infant discovering that he has feet; he has hands? He is full of wonder. Then as he grows, he becomes more and more full of wonder at the tings he can do. Wonder is so radical to the human heart.”

One of the things that makes children so endearing is that they see the beauty and excitement in everyday life—always exploring, playing, and learning. But then, as children grow up, that wonder and excitement for life seems to fade away.

Sr. Miriam invites you to explore your childhood. What were some of the most joyful times in your life? What experiences led to sorrowful memories? Allow these memories to come to the surface and let the Lord speak the truth to who you are as a child made in God’s goodness and likeness. May you know in your heart that you ARE a beloved son or daughter of God!

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