Week One: Mary


November 27th, 2022

8 mins 39 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Sr. Miriam shares a beautiful quote from The Reed of God by Caryll Houselander:
“Mary is not wearied with our littleness; her smile comes down to us like a benediction through the sea of flickering candles, she blesses our wild flowers withering at her feet. For each one of us is ‘another Christ’ each one, to Mary, is her only child. It is, therefore, not tedious to her to hear the trifles that we tell her, to look at the bruises we bring to her, and seeing our wound of sin to heal it.”

In this epsiode, Sr. Miriam guides you to remember your mother. What was she like? What memories of her move your heart with joy? When was your mother not present to you? When did she not see you or meet your needs? The Lord is inviting you to surrender to him—and Our Lady—in these vulnerable and difficult places and to ask for healing to work through this relationship with your mother.

No matter what has happened with your own mother, you have a spiritual mother, Mary, who LOVES you! She is kind, attentive, truthful, and desires to draw you closer to Jesus so that you might become fully alive in her son.

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